Posterior Vaginal Prolapse (Rectocele): An In-Depth Guide

A tissue bulging into the vagina is known as a posterior vaginal prolapse. It occurs when there is weakening or tearing of the tissue between the vagina and the rectum. The rectum pushes against the vaginal wall as a result. Another name for posterior vaginal prolapse is a rectocele. KD Blossom is a gynecology hospital in Ahmedabad whose experts have years of training and expertise dealing with such delicate cases.

Posterior vaginal prolapse can be caused by pelvic tissue-pressing activities, rips from childbirth, and persistent straining to empty stool (constipation). A little prolapse may go unnoticed.

You may observe a tissue bulge pushing through the vaginal opening if the prolapse is significant. You may need to use your fingers to support the vaginal wall to pass stool. We refer to this as splinting. The bulge is rarely unpleasant, but it can cause discomfort.

Self-care techniques and other nonsurgical methods work well when necessary. Your posterior vaginal prolapse may require surgery to correct if it is severe.

What Are The Symptoms?

Rectocele, a minor posterior vaginal prolapse, may go unnoticed. If not, you might observe:

•A little tissue protrusion in the vagina that could show through the entrance.
•Having difficulty in bowel movement.
•Experiencing fullness or pressure in the rectum.
•A sensation that, following a bowel movement, the rectum has not fully emptied.
•Sexual issues include embarrassment or a sense of looseness in the tissue surrounding the vagina.

In addition to prolapse of the vagina, many women who have posterior vaginal prolapse also have prolapse of the bladder or uterus. A surgeon can assess the prolapse and discuss surgical options for its correction.

What Are The Causes?

Trauma or pressure on the pelvic floor cause posterior vaginal prolapse. Elevated pelvic floor pressure can be caused by the following:

•Tears associated with giving birth.
•Using forceps or doing vaginal births.
•Persistent constipation or difficulty passing stool.
•Prolonged bronchitis or cough.
•Hefty lifting repeatedly.
•Being chubby.

Pregnancy & Childbirth

During pregnancy, labor, and delivery, the muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue that support the vaginal stretch. These tissues may become less supportive and weaker as a result. The risk of posterior vaginal prolapse increases with the number of pregnancies.

The development of posterior vaginal prolapse is less prevalent in individuals who have exclusively had cesarean deliveries. However, you could still get the illness.

The Risk Factors

Posterior vaginal prolapse can affect any woman. Nonetheless, the following could make the risk higher:

•Genetics: Certain individuals are born with weaker pelvic connective tissues. They are so inherently more prone to experience posterior vaginal prolapse.
•Childbirth: The chance of having posterior vaginal prolapse rises with the number of vaginal deliveries. Perineal tears, which are tears in the tissue between the vaginal opening and the anus, or episiotomies, which are cuts made after childbirth that enlarge the vaginal entrance, may further raise the risk. The use of forceps during vaginal deliveries increases the likelihood of acquiring this disease.
•Aging: Muscles elongate or weaken as we age due to a loss of muscular mass, suppleness, and nerve function.
•Obesity: The tissues of the pelvic floor are stressed by excess body weight.


To prevent the worsening of posterior vaginal prolapse, consider the following:

•Kegel Exercises: Pelvic floor muscles can be strengthened using these workouts. This is particularly crucial following childbirth.
•Treat & Prevent Constipation: Eat meals high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole-grain cereals, and drink lots of water.
•Avoid Heavy Lifting & Lift Correctly: To lift, use your legs rather than your back or waist.
•Control Coughing: Don't smoke and get treatment for bronchitis or a persistent cough.
•Avoid Weight Gain: To find your ideal weight, ask your lady gynecologists in Ahmedabad for advice. If you need help losing weight, ask for advice.


Sometimes there are no issues with posterior vaginal prolapse. However, cases that are moderate to severe may cause discomfort. Consider consulting KD Blossom if your symptoms interfere with your daily activities.